
Getting Started


I am not really sure what I am doing here so you will have to bare with me.  Bear with me? Or bare with me? Hmmmmmmm……….. None the less! If you are viewing this page while it is still under construction then I apologize.  I have never done a blog before.  I figure everyone that will see this blog will have to get through the intro page first so I have to make it as inviting as possible.  You will have to like what you see in order to click on something to read.  Well I hope what you find is interesting enough.

Now I must get back to designing my page.  I started training this week so I really want to get this blog set up so I can start documenting my walks.

Happy Pride! 🌈❤️💛💚💙💜

Today was so fun! I have been to the Pride Parade a few times, even once during the rain, but never have I walked IN the parade. It was amazing high fiving the crowd and passing out stickers. I made sure I wore sunblock but I forgot to spray my wrist. I can see the holes from my watch strap. Hahahaha!!! 

My day started out early since I had to get most of my training walk done before the Parade. I knew that after the Parade I’d want to be done so I did 12 miles then walked the Parade with my friend Maya and her son James, then back to my car. Totaling 16 miles. I’ve never walked so far solo. The humidity helped me stay on course and keep a good pace. My feet are tired. I wore brand new shoes today (it’s recommended to train in 2 pairs and I had to exchange 1 of mine so I’m starting over in a pair 😢) and new socks. My feet are sensitive and I get blisters. Good news is they don’t hurt 👍🏼 I’ve realized that listening to audiobooks helps pass the time too. I figured if it helps with my commute then why not a training walk. 

Welp! My brain is fried. I have to hit the hay and do it all over again tomorrow. 


Happy Birthday Mom! 

It’s been quite a while since I’ve popped in to say hey so I figured today was as good as any day to say how things have been going. I’ve been training when I can, however I feel I could do more, so after my niece visits in a week it’s GAME ON! I won’t make her go walking long distances…but I might take her hiking…..

The main purpose of my post today is to share that today would be my mom’s 69th birthday. The picture here is of her 39th birthday in 1987, which was also her last birthday. Pictured in the middle is me 😎 and the guy next to us is a family friend Dennis Payne. He shared his birthday with my mom. I don’t remember much of that day, but I can promise you that when I see this picture I hear her laugh echo in my head. 

Tonight I took a 5 mile walk around a lake close to work. I walked by myself but I wasn’t alone. I felt my mom’s presence every where, mostly in my heart. Maybe it was my owl shirt 🦉. LOL. I’m not going to lie, walks alone can be kind of boring. Ok they can be really boring. I thoroughly enjoy walking with my girlfriends that are crazy enough to walk long distances with me even if they aren’t walking in the 3 Day, but today I was happy walking solo. 

I’m reminded of my mom everyday so today wasn’t any different. It’s been almost 30 years without her and not a day goes by that I don’t miss her. 

Happy Day to everyone! 

I managed to fall asleep last night at 8pm. I never got my nap and Dave didn’t get me to watch his movie. I told him to be supportive during my training so this morning he said “go for a walk” before rolling back over to fall asleep. So that’s what I did!  Lucy and I walked along Sunset Cliffs and we even went up the dreaded Hill St. I was actually supposed to walk 4 miles but not only am I pretty sore from my double work out yesterday but Lucy doesn’t keep the same pace as I do. It took us an hour to only walk 2 miles. 

I know it’s Mother’s Day today. If you’re on any type of social media it’s hard to not be aware of such a day. As you know, I don’t get to celebrate with my mom like a lot of others do. I was so young before she died so I honestly cant remember what we did to help celebrate her. Did we make her cards? Did we get her flowers? Did we make her breakfast or go out to eat? I truly hope she felt loved and celebrated everyday. Not just on Mother’s Day. And I hope anyone reading this feels the same way. I hope you love and celebrate those important to you everyday! 


Adventure Run/ Ketchup Walk/Yoga on the Bay

On Thursday I did the Adventure Run hosted at Road Runner Sports. I haven’t gone running in a while but when there’s prizes up for grabs with a chance to win new shoes and beer, I’m there! I test drove some Adidas sneakers, checked out some vendors and ran/walked 2 3/4 miles. 

Today was me being crazy. I have a few friends that have signed on to keep me on track with training. Bless their hearts! A few have done the 3 day before and the others use it for catch-up time. They are awesome! We walked an easy 4 miles today around the bay. Started a little overcast but towards the end the clouds opened up. Which helped me stay on course for my plan to do and hour of yoga after. I planned ahead and we did our walk in close proximity to the yoga meet up spot. Good planning Erica 

I try really hard not to be a flake if I know people are counting on me. If I was training alone I could easily talk myself out of walking and/or yoga. I love my sleep, my bed is warm, my dog is so cute when she sleeps and my boyfriend is extra cuddly on weekends so can you blame me. I need support in all aspects. If you’re out driving and you see me, honk! Walking is the easy part. Fundraising is hard. But you know what’s harder? Chemotherapy. Radiation. Surgery. 

I’ve decided to put my comfy clothes on and rest today since I have to get up and walk tomorrow solo. Since it’s Mother’s Day my friends will be with their families so I will have a nice morning walk and reflect on the importance of the day. Maybe I’ll take Lucy with me. After all I am her momma. Lol 


Training has begun…

Monday marked the start of my 16 week training program. Komen offers a 16 week program and a 24 week program. While I’m not the most active person this is my 6th time walking so I know I won’t need 6 months to prepare. During training Monday’s are usually a “rest” day but I couldn’t rest on this specific one. I had a nice hike with some coworkers after work, some silly conversation and then I reflected on the sunset on my drive home.  

A few weeks ago I took out my calendar to prepare myself for when training would start this year. When I counted back from my event my thumb quivered over May 8th. To most it’s a random Monday in May. Sometimes it’s even Mother’s Day. Last year it was! I held my breath because while I know someone with that birthday it represents something entirely different now. It marks the day that this world lost Chantella. Sweet, kind, generous, Chantella. There aren’t enough words to describe her. She was a sister. An aunt. A Breast Cancer Survivor. And a friend to many. At 31, with no family history, Chantella was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She didn’t die from the cancer. Oh no! She was a fighter. She was a survivor. And I will continue to celebrate her and her fight when I walk. However I will always miss her and her infectious smile and laugh.